Monday 5 August 2019

A Bit More Park Hall

Guy took a couple of pictures showing the latest status at the halt platform and what you can now see.

We start with a general view looking north. The original halt was just a platform on the far side of the bridge.  As the nearby army camp expanded the platform was lengthened under the rebuilt road bridge.
The halt was of very simple construction, the camp was only supposed to be temporary during the war.  The camp grew and the halt became a permanent fixture. Looking north we can see details of the platform construction.
The halt continued to serve what became a hospital.  After closure of the line the hospital grew and is now the Shropshire  Orthopedic Hospital.  The halt adjoins the car park. In this view looking south we see the posts for the station name board on the now cleared platform.
The view from the platform shows how close we are to the hospital car park.

It's nice to see further parts of the line coming out if the undergrowth. If you would like to help along the line please get in touch.

Thanks to Guy N for the pictures.

Until next time.


  1. Battery electric solar charged Community hospital shuttle train services anybody? Can't get greener than that, such a community use would get a positive political impact so would the sustainability of your lovely railway.
    Best wishes.

  2. Thanks for the comment. It is hoped that there can be some form of community rail link for hospital visitors but that can't be funded by CHR, we just don't turn over enough business to be able to make such investments.
    The Party People Carrier did some runs but more investigation in needed.
